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<h1>Green and Plain</h1>
<p>Design by Free CSS Templates</p>
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<h2>Welcome to our website</h2>
<p class="first">Posted by FreeCssTemplates</p>

<p class="second"><span class="em">Green and Plain</span> is a free template from <a href="#">Free CSS Templates</a> released under a <a href="#">Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License</a>. You're free to use this template for both commercial or personal use. I only ask that you link back to <a href="#">my site</a> in some way. Enjoy :)</p>

<p class="last"><a href="#">Comments (32)</a> &#8226; <a href="#">Read full post &#187;</a>
<h3>Lorem Ipsum Dolor Volutpat</h3>
<p class="first">Posted by FreeCssTemplates</p>

<p class="second">Curabitur tellus. Phasellus tellus turpis, iaculis in, faucibus lobortis, posuere in, lorem. Donec a ante. Donec neque purus, adipiscing id, eleifend a, cursus vel, odio. Vivamus varius justo sit amet leo. Morbi sed libero. Vestibulum blandit augue at mi. Praesent fermentum lectus eget diam. Nam cursus, orci sit amet porttitor iaculis, ipsum massa aliquet nulla, non elementum mi elit a mauris.</p>
    <li> Magna lacus bibendum mauris</li>
    <li> Velit semper nisi molestie</li>
    <li> Magna lacus bibendum mauris</li>
    <li>Velit semper nisi molestie</li>
<p class="last"><a href="#">Comments (32)</a> &#8226; <a href="#">Read full post &#187;</a></p>
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     <p><input type="text" name="search" size="25"><input type="button" value="検索"></p>
      <h4>Lorem Ipsum</h4>
         <li> Fusce dui neque fringilla</li>
         <li>Eget tempor eget nonummy</li>
         <li>Magna lacus bibendum mauris</li>
         <li> Nec metus sed donec</li>
         <li>Magna lacus bibendum mauris</li>
         <li>Velit semper nisi molestie</li>
         <li>Eget tempor eget nonummy</li>
     <h4>Volutpat Dolore</h4>
         <li>Nec metus sed donec</li>
         <li>Magna lacus bibendum mauris</li>
         <li>Velit semper nisi molestie</li>
         <li>Eget tempor eget nonummy</li>
         <li>Nec metus sed donec</li>
         <li>Magna lacus bibendum mauris</li>
         <li>Velit semper nisi molestie</li>
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<address>〓 2012.Design by Free CSS Templates.</address>
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